Monday, April 20, 2015

just a cuppa

Thank you to all of you that stuck with me through lent as I wrote and processed the prayer of St. Ephrem.  It was one of the best lents I have had in a long time, and I think all that writing was good for me to carry the prayer around with me all day. 

So now I am considering what is my writing to be about without the wise words of St. Ephrem to guide me. 

The baby is sleeping through the night now.  I mean like 12 hrs straight sleeping. And I suddenly dont have the dying craving need for caffeine in the afternoon.  I feel like cleaning, like organizing, like getting stuff done on my to do list. 

But I still need to take a moment.  I still need to sit, to reflect, to get keep a little holy space in the middle of my day. 

So I put the kids down for rest time and I make my little cup of tea and I sit.  I check email, I click on totally stupid links from facebook, I find very useful ideas on pinterest.    But the best thing is I just sit and am here to think for just a big and rest.

And I need to write. 

I don't know what the topic will be, but I need to take some time and put down on paper (or screen) the thoughts, ideas and memories swirling in my mind. 

So I will come back here with more writing.  Maybe you will be here reading. 

I am open to suggestions.  Stories, meditations, musings?  Let me know in the comments and maybe it will kick me into my next writing goal.

1 comment:

  1. You should write whatever you want or need to write, and if it's interesting to someone (I'm sure it will be!), then she'll read it. :-)

    I was encouraged by this:
    "So I put the kids down for rest time and I make my little cup of tea and I sit. I check email, I click on totally stupid links from facebook, I find very useful ideas on pinterest. But the best thing is I just sit and am here to think for just a big and rest."
    Because I need that so much, too, but I often feel guilty about it. About the part of just clicking around to silly links and such. My quiet time is so limited, I should use it to the maximum effectiveness, right? Hah! It seems that I can't write or do anything useful, until after I've had some empty time... and by then my world is often ready to move on again at full speed ahead.
